Four reasons to choose Sigma Lithium Technology of 3D Lithium anode
1. Combined power and energy
Delivers simultaneously high power and high energy density: quick acceleration, fast charge And long mileage
2. Dendrite Free
Dendrite free Lithium anode design for better safety
3. Longer cycle life
Longer cycle life even under stressed conditions
4. Anodes of any format
Thin and mechanically strong 3D Li material enables large format Lithium electrodes
Our anodes can make you fly
Our porous metallic lithium electrodes will give you the energy density of 500Wh/kg combined with power of 5kW/kg required for flying.
Dendrite protection of Lithium anode is supported by proprietary 3D material structure and its interface layer.
You're in Good Company
Sigma Lithium is highly rated by some of the worlds leaders in energy technologies.
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